Monday, November 06, 2006


努力揣模着你的表情 你的微笑
看看从那个角度望着你 是最美丽
若把你的五官 画歪了

想问问你 可不可以
画张素描 送给你
而我又能不能 出现在画的背景里
若能站在角落 望着你 我就满意

周杰伦 充满着才气
陶吉吉 的歌声太美丽
方文山 的每一句都有诗意
我什么都不是 怎么跟他们比

偶尔画张侧脸的素描 送给你

Wednesday, April 05, 2006 blog.. !!!

hi hi brother n sister of SMM....

if u all are free.. pls visit my blog at
waiting for u to visit..


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Network Interruption...

Dear all brothers,

My lab encountered some interruptions on network recently, so I guess I would not able to be online for MSN and Blogger as frequent as usual. So, please DO UPLOAD your recent news on blog, so i would be able to check up the latest information among us. HK, be patient, your picture is under process now. However, it might take a little bit of time to squeeze two character in a picture as I haven't mastered that skill.

Wish to see your latest updates soon.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Birthday Reminder

12th of March 2006 is Neko's 25th Birthday.
Everyone please takes note.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Season of Flowers... Season of falling in love

Almost one month passed the Valentine's day, supposed we've already packed up our broken heart and sorrow mind and keeping the faster pace in our work... something slowed me down...

when i checked on the any pictures in my graphic bank that are suitable for me to put online, i found a series with the title of 'season of flowers' which were taken at this time of last year.

my mind suddenly flashed back to the time i was taking these pictures...

What if...imagine that i bring my dream girl to the flower blossoming trees... confess with her when the gentle wind breezes and carries the flowers through the atmosphere between us...WHAT A KOREAN DRAMA LIKE SITUATION...

Question: what would dash do if he bring hebe to the place?

...........................................................................................dash, you watch too much of SHE MV liao...

wake up la!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Season of Flowers- Beautiful Scenery in UTM

We are going to be a bit nostalgia theme this time.

As most of us are scattered in different places, hopefully by this series of pictures, it is able to bring you all back to the good all days we were together in UTM.

These pictures were taken in 19 March 2005, almost one year from now. As i noticed in the campus recently, it's about to blossom soon. The flowers will blossom around this period every year and it last for around one week. Much like the Sakura right?

After seeing these pictures, you might have a intention to rush all the ways back to UTM to feel the atmosphere. If you have someone in your mind, you would like to declare your feeling to someone you love right under the flower blossoming tree while the flowers drops and blowing to you... close your eyes now...romantic leh... For your information, I did try to capture some video of the flowers dropping and blown by the air... however my camera's resolution is not high enough...what a pity!
These guys are actually SMM juniors, someone recognize them?

Monday, February 27, 2006

Guide to Insert Pictures

I found that most of us are facing some problems when we tried to put some pictures on the blog for the very first time. Follow the following steps, it should have no problem to upload a picture.

Step 1: Click the icon of the 'insert image' as shown in fig 1.

Step 2: a pop-up window comes up and you can insert the picture by using the almost same way you attach a file in email.

Notice: If you cannot find the icon... possibly you need to refer to the help...because i'm a pua tang jui oso.

Hope to see your new photos soon!

Lonely City (absolutely determined mix)



希望能寻觅到 你的足迹和你的气息



害怕一不小心 全世界都会笑我痴情